Published in translation:
“Trumpet Blast [El sonar de la trompeta], “This anger [Esta ira]”, “Blanca Nieves [Snow White (Song of Peace]”,and “Tierra y ser [Earth and Being]”: four of my original poems (translated by Margarita Feliciano) published in ANTARES 2009: Anthology of Hispanic-Canadian Literary and Artistic Creativity, ed. M. Feliciano (Toronto: Antares Publishing House, 2009: 76-83. 8 pages). That trilingual anthology (published in English, French and Spanish), was included in the Spring 2011 Rights Canada catalogue (pp.17, 24-25) which was sent in electronic version by e-mail to more than 11,000 international colleagues, while the printed version of Rights Canada was available at the Canada Stand at the Bologna and London book fairs in 2011.