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Here are some details and descriptions of my published works.

Poesía y canto popular_edited.png


Poesía y canto popular

Poesía y canto popular: Su convergencia en el siglo XX. Uruguay, 1960-1985 [Poetry and Popular Song: Their Convergence in the Twentieth Century. The Case of Uruguay, 1960-1985] published "the work of Maria Figueredo on the resemantization of the poetic text when it is articulated with a musical structure, to integrate a new reality of language, that is, the song, is the first systematic investigation in this field. There existed periodic journalistic articles and reports on writers and musicians, as well as references inserted into various works of literary criticism, but never had a global and comprehensive work of this nature been undertaken on this fundamental aspect of contemporary culture" (Cosse, 9). The book studies the socio-cultural process of poetry that is set to music in relation to context of Latin America, with particular focus on the case study of Uruguay in response to particular socio-political challenges faced in the latter half of the twentieth century." (206 pages)

Year of book publication: 2005
Author: Maria L. Figueredo


Creation Sounds

This book considers the role of music in multi-mediated formats that privilege the performative elements of meaning production. By examining innovations by Latin American writers, the intertextual relationships between the historical weight of influential voices are juxtaposed with twenty-first-century acts of writing.

Front cover image of scholarly book Creation Sounds by Maria Figueredo, PhD
Image of the Front Page of Poetry's Portals, chapbook by Maria Figueredo, PhD


Poetry's Portals

This is Maria's second chapbook. Published in 2018.

"Masterfully woven strokes on nature and places, with an artistic flavor of pictures.  Her description of London is so vivid while her poem on YES stimulates the  mind. Looks like her bleeding PEN talks all about life.  Every word in her poetry appears as an alphabetical dance. An intense imaginative power in these poems draws its sustenance from the poet dreaming great dreams."


Inner Shore

This is Maria's first chapbook. With lithographs by Tibor Balint.

Inner Shore chapbook by Maria Figueredo, front cover image
Couple on the Beach



Maria's second chapbook is forthcoming. Stay tuned for news.

"E-Poetry, Performance, and Identity: Perspectives from Latinx Canadian Poets"

  • May 2021


  • Conference: KAMC2020: The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture of the The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)

  • At: Kyoto, Japan

Book description for Creation Sounds by Maria Figueredo, PhD


Many other  journal articles and book chapters (see here for more details)


The Poet-Tree 2015 Project, related to the 2015 Pan and Parapan Am Games as an IGNITE community partner, was a timely way to engage about Pan American cultural topics that are relevant to people from diverse backgrounds as we witness current global, national and local questions that shape the world in which we live and our future. The capacity to articulate the complexities of these issues, on a case-by-case basis (such as the immigrant and visitor experience to Canada) in terms of certain cultures in relation to Canada, of the international cultural exchanges from different perspectives, and by extension to the diasporic communities), provided multiple perspectives.

Book cover image of poetry anthology The Poetry of Sports, edited by Maria Figueredo, PhD
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